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User Guide: Known Bugs / Limitations

This page lists known bugs and workarounds for the Taglets Collection as well as the JavaDoc tool when used in conjunction with the Taglets Collection.


Taglets Collection


Taglets Collection

The following section lists known bugs/limitiations as well as possible workarounds for the Taglets Collection.

Cannot use same tag for inline and block tags.

Bug/Limitation Cannot use same tag for inline and block tags.
Release Any Taglets release.

This is pretty unfortunate, but by design of the JavaDoc taglet implementation.


It would be possible to work around this limitation by modifying the way current JavaDoc implementations work with a special driver. The drivers included do not try to work around this since we believe it is not worth the trouble.

Use different names for inline tags and block tags as we have decided to do for the default tags (e.g. {@stickyNote} vs. @note).

Some Taglets 1.x tags are no longer supported.

Bug/Limitation Some Taglets 1.x tags are no longer supported.
Release Taglets 2.x.

Even though we have tried to support all former 1.x style tags to simplify migration, some tags like e.g. @javaadm are no longer supported.


Upgrade the tags to 2.x style.
JSE 5 introduced some tags previously used by the Taglets Collection, so it is best to convert the sources anyway.

Shutdown taglets only get called when the VM exits.

Bug/Limitation Shutdown taglets only get called when the VM exits.
Release Taglets 2.x.

Since there is no way for the Taglets Collection to know when JavaDoc has finished its work, it uses a VM shutdown hook which gets called when the VM exits.


Newer JavaDoc versions support execution by method calls within the same VM. However due to memory leaks it is recommended to call JavaDoc in its own VM anyway, e.g. ANT already forks a VM (see also ANT JavaDoc Task).

Use Runtime.exec() to call JavaDoc to for a VM when used from a Java tool.


The following section lists known bugs/limitiations as well as possible workarounds for JavaDoc when used in conjunction with the Taglets Collection.

Annotations in code of an {@source} tag do not work.

Bug/Limitation Annotations in code of an {@source} tag do not work.
Release Any JavaDoc Version.

Using annotations in a source tag, is not possible:

 * {@source
 * @myAnnotation
 * Object myAnnotatedObject;}

The '@' sign gets interpreted by JavaDoc since it is possible to use embedded tags in an inline tag.

Escaping the '@' sign using @ does not yield the desired result since the {@source} taglet will simply escape the escape and produce @ again.


If upgrading is not an option then define a new inline tag and use that instead of the annotation directly:

The taglets.properties configuration for such a new inline tag looks as follows:

Taglets.taglet.annotation= \
Taglets.taglet.annotation.regex.pattern= (.*) 
Taglets.taglet.annotation.regex.replacement= @${1!}

The sample above needs to be rewritten as follows:

 * {@source
 * {@annotation myAnnotation}
 * Object myAnnotatedObject;}

The {@annotation} inline tag is predefined as of version 2.0.3 of the Taglets Collection.

No warning when using incorrect tag type.

Bug/Limitation No warning when using incorrect tag type.
Release JSE 5, JSE 6.

Declaring @foo as block tag and then using {@foo} in JavaDoc does not generate a warning.


There is no known workaround.

Use J2SE 1.4 to verify such problems if possible or use an auditing tool to check the JavaDoc contents.

InheritDoc does not work correctly.

Bug/Limitation InheritDoc does not work correctly.
Release J2SE 1.4.

Starting JavaDoc comments with {@inheritDoc} is known to cause problems.

Example: {@inheritDoc} {@stickyNote One. Two.} will report that the curly brace of {@stickyNote} is not closed. This is due to the fact that the first sentence is not calculated correctly.


Use JSE 5 or JSE 6 JavaDoc, or replace all periods except for the last one in the following tag by ..

In general, always be careful when using {@inheritDoc} at the start of a JavaDoc comment, esp. when the superclass is not included in source form.