User Guide: Extended Usage
This user guide section deals with the a more advanced usage of the
Taglets Collection. ConfigurationWhat follows is a short overview of some of the configuration options of the Taglets Collection. To simplify build it uses Apache Ant, to see a sample that also lists commandline options for JavaDoc please check out the Simple Usage section. In contrast to the simple demo this extended demo makes use of:
OutputBefore starting out with the configuration you might want to have a look at what we are going to create in the extended demo: Do not be surprised if you look at the JavaDoc generated, I tried to make some Java/Chocolate theme. Well, ... you'll at least get the idea on how to customize the output of JavaDoc like this ... ![]() Apache Ant ConfigurationLet's first configure the build file build.xml. We will change the javadoc call from the simple demo to include additional features:
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 <javadoc destdir="doc" overview="src/overview.html" private="true" windowtitle="Taglets Collection Extended Demo API Specification" additionalparam="-J-DTaglets.verbose=false" > <!-- Use a nice documentation title --> <doctitle> Taglets Collection<br> Extended Demo API Specification </doctitle> <!-- Create a header that contains the taglets logo --> <!-- Note the use of the {@docRoot} tag to link to the logo --> <header> <img src="{@docRoot}/resources/logo.gif" width="88" height="40" border="0" > </header> <!-- Same for the footer --> <footer> <img src="{@docRoot}/resources/logo.gif" width="88" height="40" > </footer> <!-- Include a timestamp at the bottom of the docu generated --> <!-- Note the use of ${timestamp} which was created by the --> <!-- <tstamp> task at the start of this target --> <bottom> <p align="right"> <font class="NavBarFont1" size="-2"> Taglets Collection<br> Extended JavaDoc Demo<br> ${timestamp} </font> </p> </bottom> <!-- Include the 'rsrc' directory on the taglets path to include --> <!-- the '' configuration as well as all binaries --> <!-- used by the configuration in the shutdown tasks --> <taglet name="net.sourceforge.taglets.Taglets" path="rsrc:../../taglets.jar" /> <fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.java"/> </javadoc> The taglets configuration directory rsrc that was added to the classpath of the taglet contains the extended taglets configuration as well as binary files that are used by this configuration:
Taglets ConfigurationThe Taglets Collection supports several configuration files and merges them together. In this example we make use of the fact that the Taglets Collection merges the configuration found in file / on the classpath with the default uration. Anything defined in the / configuration file on the classpath supercedes the settings in the default configuration. For more information about nested configuration files check out the Configuration subsection of the description of the default configuration in the user guide. The configuration file for the extended demo looks defines the following features and overrides:
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 # Taglets Configuration for the extended JavaDoc demo. # ==================================================== # Default Tag Configuration # ------------------------- # Parameters for the @adm tag. Some Body Taglets.taglet.adm.params.maintainer.mail= Taglets.taglet.adm.params.maintainer.project= Taglets Demo # All Taglets sources should make use of @since. Taglets.taglet.since.mandatory= true # Shutdown Taglets # ---------------- # We are using a custom stylesheet to make things fancy. Taglets.shutdown.javadoc-stylesheet-copy.files= stylesheet.css # Copy the demo logo to the resource directory, this is used in the # header and footer of the documentation generated. # (The todir listed below is relative to the JavaDoc output directory.) Taglets.shutdown.logo-copy= net.sourceforge.taglets.simple.shutdown.FileCopier Taglets.shutdown.logo-copy.todir= resources Taglets.shutdown.logo-copy.files= \ logo.gif, show-off.gif, favicon.ico, beans.gif, inherit.gif # Fixup the favourites icon in the docu generated. Taglets.shutdown.favicon-fixup= net.sourceforge.taglets.simple.shutdown.RegexReplacer Taglets.shutdown.favicon-fixup.files= **/*.html Taglets.shutdown.favicon-fixup.token.0= </TITLE> Taglets.shutdown.favicon-fixup.value.0= </TITLE>\ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="${docRoot}/resources/favicon.ico"/> For a description of the predefined tags as well as more information on how to configure them please refer to the Predefined Tags subsection of the default configuration. The "shutdown taglets" are described in the Shutdown Taglets subsection of the user guide that describes the default configuration. Custom TagletsNow that we have seen a sneak preview on how to configure the Taglets Collection and how to tweak JavaDoc using Ant to produce an enhanced documentation it is time to move on and define some custom tags and create a "Simple Taglet" in Java source. The next section Custom Taglets gives a short introduction to creating custom taglets and adding new tags using the taglets configuration files. |