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API Demo

Since the Taglets Collection is a utility suite around the JavaDoc tool you might want to have a look at a sample documentation:
Taglets Collection JavaDoc Demo.

More samples are contained in the JavaDoc of the Taglets Collection itself. Check out the "Taglets API" links in the navigation bar on the left side...


The following screenshots have been taken from a JavaDoc displayed by various browsers on different operating systems. Browsers used FireFox 2.0, Opera 9.20, Internet Explorer 7.0 and Safari 2.0 running on Windows XP and Mac OSX.
The tools used to beef up the screenshots are MurImages and LightBox.


The following screenshots give an overview of some of the taglets tags supported.

Check out the Taglets Collection JavaDoc Demo to see the demo live in your browser...

SafariOverview OperaOverview InternetExplorerOverview FireFoxOverview

Tag Demo

The following screenshots show off some of the tags included in the default configuration of the Taglets Collection:

BlockTodo BlockInfo BlockWarning BlockError BlockNote BlockDone StickyError StickyNote StickyInfo StickyDone StickyWarning StickyExample BlockEquivalence BlockImplementation StickySource Table